Friday, November 21, 2008

Yet Another Boring Blog

Does the Internet really need another Blog?
Is there any point beyond vanity and chagrin to set ones ignorance on display for all to see and perhaps pepper with rotten fruits?Likely not, but when did honesty and practicality ever prevent bad taste or serve up good sense?I have no illusions as to the outcome of this folly. My successes in life have been minimal, my failures sufficient to seriously wound those who have trusted in me, those I truly love. Nonetheless, I must yield to this compulsion to expose my prejudice, my opinions, my knee-jerk reactions, if only to 'get it out of my system'.
I ask forgiveness in advance of any who might take offense at my thoughts, indulgence from those who perceive my immaturity, and kindness from the rich milieu who have nobly gone before and left an example impossible to follow.
I shall not attempt to 'copy' the slick pages of seasoned writers and editors, whose craft is as far removed from this effort as an ocean liner is from a sampan. Nor do I imagine I may ever gather a following with the insights and intelligence of those who contribute to the blog of a hero of mine Constance Cumbey (
I shall simply attempt to create a stream of consciousness, into which I may pour the collected ramblings which puddle in my brain and from which any who care (or dare) may drink if they but stoop low enough to reach.
The prime topics of my ravings are the developments of World governments, especially that of the USA, Canada, and the European Union, and the many, many conspiracy theories which abound. I will likely wander into esoteric caves, where talk of New World Religions and perversions of Christianity are examined. I invite all who are constrained by civility to read and comment. And if civility fails to constrain to expect an intervention by a power greater than yourself, i.e. The Editor.

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